Fat Eraser IBILI – Eat healthy a new lifestyle

26 March, 2015 | Posted in healthy food, IBILI products | By admin
When it´s cold and rainning, a delicious hot stew, soup, casserole … it´s a good way to stay warm. These doesn´t mean you cant get rid of the fat. IBILI Fat Eraser It´s very easy and functional item. It´s a patented system that effectively soaks up the fats. Ergonomic design and easy to manage. Watch the video!
You should store the fat eraser in the freezer correctly on its support at all times so it is ready when you need it (min. 4 hours). Once the food is lukewarm, remove the device from the freezer and lightly place on the liquid part of the casserole, the metal section of the apparatus will attract the fat. The fat molecules are removed by turning the appliance and aided by the aired-base. Carry out this process as many times as is necessary. You can also use the smaller fat eliminator to remove small fat molecules. Wash by hand or in a dishwasher avoiding abrasive products.
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